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Tire pressure sensors


Had to replace the tire sensors (Kawasaki replaced them) and I wil sell it before I have to pay for it next time 750.00 I hope it don't have to be done every 2 yrs.
That is a down side of the TPS. But it may not fail in 2 years next time. They are suppose to last 5 years, but most do not seem to be coming close. What failed, the batteries or the sensors themselves? Murph is starting a battery replacement program which may cut the cost down. But I agree that it's not worth it if it happens every two years. Hopefully, Kawasaki will get an updated part for this.
I think Fred the Tech Ed has figured out how to replace the batteries yourself given the skills and tools needed.  He should be along sometime to point to it if needed.
The way they told me it was more than a simple bat. replacement.You have to have the software to program them to the bike's ecu.
telejojo said:
The way they told me it was more than a simple bat. replacement.You have to have the software to program them to the bike's ecu.

That is true if you are replacing the sensors. They are not meant to have the battery replaced, just the whole sensor. But people have already changed the batteries in their existing units. By using the existing units, no reprogramming should be nessasary, since the bike is already programed to them!
I hadn't ridden my 08 for  more than a year, since I bought my 2010. When I did take it out ( at 3.5 years of age) both sensors said they were bad. I ordered new ones at $177 each.  When next I rode it the sensors were fine. I now have a new set of sensors for my 10, but it's only a year old,.
lakeabilene said:
My rear sensor battery is low, and I have been waiting since April 1 for warranty replacement. Kawasaki has no estimate of when the new sensor will be in, I am just supposed to wait. Getting tired of the two fingered hokey pokey at this time.

You should call and complain about it. Were almost two weeks into May now!  Although, I'm sure the Mark the customer service guy will be very understanding!  :-\
telejojo said:
Had to replace the tire sensors (Kawasaki replaced them) and I wil sell it before I have to pay for it next time 750.00 I hope it don't have to be done every 2 yrs.

$750? Say what!? Did they smile and give you a lil kiss with that quote?
The sensors can be taken apart and the batteries inside them replaced with a little work. I believe Murphs kits is offering this as a service for around $75 or so. That would be a whole lot cheaper than replacing them.

If you want to tackle it yourself and need some help, let me know.
3 yrs in and the rear is  reporting low batt. I have the extended warranty but have heard that wont cover the batt ?