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Tires Z8's, trash


Training Wheels
I've got 3211 miles on my Z8's with 2560 miles in the last week over Skyline Drive, Blue Ridge Parkway, Great Smokey Mountain Parkway and the Tail of the Dragon.  Most of the miles were in the rain with dense fog in the mountains.  Under heavy braking, I suspected that scalloping was occuring.  We finally got some sun today where we could take off our rain gear and I had the chance to inspect the Z8's in sunlight.

The scalloping is so bad I'm not sure if the front will last 4000 miles, the rear is not as bad. The front tirewear looks worse than the OEM Bridgestones.
I had hoped the Z8 tread pattern would resist scalloping but these tires look worse than what I've ever seen on any bike.  On the front tires, the rubber is actually graining in the scallop areas

Called the factory to register a complaint and I'll be kind to say their response was less than satisfactory.  Never again will I install Metzlers.
Not to discount your experience with the Z8's RAMrider but I'm seeing better wear than that.

I've got nearly 5000 miles on mine and while the front is scalloping a bit, it's nowhere near as bad as the OEM front was with the same mileage. I am seeing the rear flattening out sooner than the OEM rear. Granted the OEM rear's last 6000+ miles consisted of a cross-country trip of almost all freeway droning.

Overall wear seems okay and other than the scalloping and flattening, I suspect I'll get another 3k or so out of these.

While I'm not opposed to trying the Metzlers again, my next set will probably be the PR3's or a set of Avons (I've had really positive experiences with the Avons on my last 4 bikes).