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To paint or blast....?

Les Faires

Big Wheel
First time post.... and a new concours 14 owner (2008).
On the third day of ownership I fell over and scratched the trim on the exhaust pipe. Both the end and mid section pipe trim,... (brushed aluminum end and mid cone). Of course I am sick and want to turn back time by making a appearance repair of these pieces. So my question is.... is this a paintable piece or is it something I need to have sand blasted?

Thank you
To paint or blast... you've got to ask yourself one question:

What Would The Myth-Busters Do?

Well, they would paint it... then blast it to smithereens!!! muahahahaha!
Should be paintable, just use high temp paint.

Of course if it's just the can that is dinged up this may be a good excuse to get a shiny new Area P or Two Bros can :)