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Two Drops "Last campsite on the right"


Well this weekend I dropped my Connie...TWICE  I had both my first and 2nd drop occur within 24 hours after riding for over 2 years without incident. 

I was meeting some friends to go camping at Whiskey Gulch, AK and was warned it was a dirt road.  I've done my fair share of off road riding I thought and if I got uncomfortable I could just stop and turn around.  Well it turns out I couldn't stop and my connie just plowed down the hill ever so slowly until she tipped.  I righted her and made it down the hill then decided I would just meetup with my friends and deal with getting back up the hill in the morning.

They told me they always take the last campsite on the right... a location which apparently has grown further and further over the years well passed the established site.  Each time I think "They are just over there, I can make it." I made it all the way to campsite (1.5 miles) before I needed a push to get out of the rocks and to solid ground.

The next morning I tried to be more strategic and walked the trail to find a route I was pretty comfortable with but I still got stuck when I was transitioning from gravel to grass.  I tried to get a kickstand down and couldn't but she seemed so stable buried in the rocks so I quit.  Well just as I had enlisted help to get her out she went crashing down.

Again just a little push and I got her righted.  Then a push from my friends and I was on my way.  A mile and half I went getting stared at by all the folks in their 4x4s and 4-wheelers wondering what the hell is that crazy lady doing here with that bike.  Proud I survived my stupidity and won't be doing it again - at least until July (Deadhorse or bust)




The hill


The trail




Dropped (May 28th, 11:15am)


And now some mud


The hill


Approximate location of first drop (May 27, 3:30pm)

And now some pictures about why I did it:




I'd say those last four pics repaid all the rest of them, several times over even!

Now, where are those pics of a Connie turned dual-sport? ;)
Yep I drove from the middle of Texas all the way to the middle of Colorado on the word of a camp ground owner that motorcycles camp there all the time.  Once there late in the day he said just go down and around and...  Dang I could not have gotten there with a dirt bike on a dry day.  Wet and rutted out the poor old Connie had no chance.  I was lucky that someone was close enough to push me out of trouble.  I feel your pain.  I had to pay for a room at the last minute that was just not cheap.  Cheaper then a wrecker to get me out of there I guess.
Diane,  CDA0349
Loved your story and pictures.
Check those front foot pegs for hairline cracks; just in case.
Looks like a wonderful camping time too!