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Updated 2019 BMW R1200RT

But then you have all that Bikes Made Weird thing going on.  :beerchug:

I've been on the road for close to 4 months now, mostly out west. Most of the sport touring bikes I'm seeing are BMW. I find that an interesting observation.

Me personally, BTDT with the Beemer thing. My priorities rule out spending north of twenty grand on a bike with little dealer support where I travel. But they make lots of different bikes for lots of different tastes. A good thing.

On TDY near Bayfield, CO.
Traveled all over the U.S. Never an issue with dealer support. However, spending $23K or so, yeah...that's a legit reason for me to give pause. Best sport-touring bikes oney can buy IMO, but it's serious coin. Then again, I've put about $4K into my C14 already with more big dollar farkles to come. Ohlins are next big dollar farkle, as  the stock suspension is barely adequate. I bet I'll be sniffing close to $20k when I'm done. 

Anyway, and to the topic at hand, the boxer has evolved to a pretty respectable level, 