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valve adjustment


Big Wheel
Question for you all, at 15,000 miles is it necssary to have the dealeship do the valve check? I'm at 14500 right now. All help is greatly appreciated.
The dealer never HAS to do it. You can use any qualified source for the adjustment even yourself. If you are asking if it "should" be done at 15k I will let someone else answer that. Photos[/url]
Fred? Fred Harmon is the expert round these parts. If someone does not help soon try email to tech-ed@cog-online.org Photos[/url]
In order to keep your warranty intact, it is supposed to be done at the interval in the manual. The first one is important to do on time. After that you might be able to stretch the interval. European bikes have a 26K mile interval, and the valve train is designed to run at the longer intervals, but the EPA regulations in the US require shorter intervals to comply with emissions standards and keep your warranty intact.
Well, I called the Dealer and hey want 404.00 dollar bills to do this so I guess I will have to give them the dollars to do this, Since I'm incapable to do this, Thanks for the inofrmation. Mike
If they check the valves and 1 or more are out of spec they will have to change out the shim(s) at no additional cost. Did the dealership give you a quote on how many hours to perform the valve adjustment?
once you are at the point of finishing the clearance inspection and calculations, changing the shims (if you have them all) is about 15 minutes worth of work....then re-check all the clearances....about 10 more minutes...that is the easy part.
the physical act of removing the cam caps and camchain retainer bolts, pulling cups and shims, and re-installing is actually only about 15 minutes.... that is, IF YOU ALREADY KNOW THE SHIMS THAT ARE IN THERE. Now, having said that, mapping the shims one by one, swapping them in positions, and replacing the odd ones that you cannot swap....can take longer during the initial inspection. Once you have them mapped, and know what shim lies where, after measuring the clearances it is a quick job....thus my comment. I say this as when I did mine I could not get "all" the shims I wanted, and played the swap game, and further worked out which cups (which I wisely mic'd during the initial measurments and mapping)if swapped, would allow me a better lattitude of adjustment, and hopefully alleviate a 6 week wait for the shim I needed.... All in all, I removed and replaced the cams completlely 3 times during this period while it was already at the "measure" point, and each time the process went faster. The final "pull-swap-reassemble" did actualy take me 15 minutes. And the final measurments I took very critically took another ten minutes. I will say I set every clearance at the "max" limit, and this was why I did the removal 3 times, to achieve that desired finish. I guess if I added in the "sipping" time and the "hmmmmm, looky here" time, it would come out to a half hour tho...still, minimal.
Let the dealer do it. As Fred said it is necessary to keep your warrenty intact. I had mine done at 13,500 because I had a long trip coming up. Only one valve was a little tight. The others were fine. My dealer sold me a service package at purchase for $600 which includes the first six services so I've not had to pay any additional costs including the valve check and adjustment. I also bought three additional years of warrenty so it is to my advantage to keep services on schedule and by the book. The C-14 seems very durable but I still recommend playing maintenance by the book. UP