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WTB - Seat Cowl Bag Bracket Side Covers (2002 Silver)


I'm looking for a pair of the fairing covers that go on the seat cowl when the bag antlers are removed. I actually have the set that came with my bike, but have seen the mod where you can drill them out to allow them to be used with the bag antlers, which looks pretty slick (not sure why Kawi didn't do something more elegant with this area in the first place). Anyway, I can't bring myself to drill up mine, but if I could get a spare set, I'd like to do the mod.

My bike is a 2002 in Silver. I've seen some at reasonable prices prices on ebay, but not in my color. Of course I could paint a set, but if I came across a set already in the right color, it would save me the trouble.

Anyone have some in their spare parts stash?