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Z1/KZ Dynamo cover oil leak

Tim R

The left side cover which covers the Dynamo on my 900 is leaking. The grommet the wires go through is known to leak at some point. The fix is a new grommet, cut and re-solder the wires back together after running them through the new grommet. Not my idea of a good time...simple enough but I really don't want to cut wires. So I was thinking of taking the dynamo cover off and hosing everything with brake clean. Then slather the entire grommet/inside wires with Honda Bond and put back together. Or should I just bite the bullet and replace the grommet? If you have not used Honda Bond before it is pretty runny compared to RTV. I know some of you Z1/KZ owners have dealt with this problem. Thanks, Tim 
As you've already sed you don't want to cut the wires, seal it.
But, I think I would use oil resistant RTV. {Gasket maker}

If the RTV doesn't work you can always go to plan B. (Cut and new grommet)

Ride safe, Ted
Indeed on the right track Tim, I helped a friend resurrect an old KZ1000B, the leaking at that point was one of the last niggles. He emery clothed the junction a lot, then used top quality oil/heat resistant bond and the weepage stopped.